If we study klci chart from 1977 till date ... all prime ministers since Dato Hussien Onn till Tun Abdullah Badawi has left his mark in the klci.. all the ex PMs had marked his peak in klci while in the office.. Though Tun Dr Mahadir had tried to by pass his peak in 1994 by exceeding the 1332 pt but failed to do it in 1997...
Tun Abdullah Badawi made his mark by marking its peak at 1524 that by pass Tun DrMahadir..
Now every PM minister will show its Tongkat Ali Power by beating his successor .. Will Dato seri Najib bypass 1524 mark left by Tun Abdullah ?
Banyak senang la itu ,,,,, easily we can see Dato Seri Najib will mark his historical high of klci of more than 1524... time will tell... let me know If I am wrong