
Tuesday, September 28

Bursa chart.. the nerve of fbmklci

Its a no secret that among the indicator use to gauge the trend of the market is to see the trend of bursa stock itself.. if bursa stock  is on the  uptrend then people are expecting thre  klci is also on the uptrend.. if klci up then other stock will follow suit.. that remain true in most of the cases.. ada yang tak jadi juga khusunya pada stock yang kita tahu ia sedang berada dalam bearish...

let us see what in store for bursa chart
elwave see that uptrend is happening
all minit minor and intermidiate all up.. so OK

trade advisor also noted that wave 1 had formed.. in this particular softwre its buy and sell signal formed and  trigger on the 3 wave movement.. its buy ususly during the 2 wave to 3 wave

so what my brain and thinking says.. to do it i am using metastock s/ware to help me..
in actual of fact my sistem say it should go lower.. to 5.80.. but my sistem fail me its... down po tak kesampaian.. always remember we are always small fry in this market.. our job is to gauge and follow them..
so i am waiting for little bit of correction if any before i enter.. if not then says sayonara..
until then i will follow the trade advisor and elwave to guide me next before enteing the trade...