Have you voted on the survey in this blog?Though the election in Malaysia was over, don't be sad? You can still use your rights to vote on the direction of KLSE on this blog for the good of other readers especially our foreign readers who want to know the current situation of KLSE direction?
To those that had that had took part on the survey especially readers from Kg Seribu Relong, Cukai, Tanjong Tokong , Kg Kelapa Sawit, Papar, Kampong Lasah and others please use your right to take part in the survey.
The latest survey showed that nearly 90% of the voters , voted that the KLSE will be down. Alamak ..aiya... but last week we saw the KLSE had a good run up to nearly up 70 points to finish at 1258 with all the counters on the board turn HULK (green) !
Are the voters saying that the long term trend of the KLSE is down and what we saw last week was just a technical rebound ?
So what the KLSE is really saying to us?
Or is it saying when everybody were so pessimist and lost hope in the KLSE , the index flex its muscle and move against us.
Or it saying that the Pros are pushing the chairs to us and make us the one's holding the chairs?
So readers please keep on voting since its your right in determining what your thinking is ?
Me.... the broken clock .. only right twice of the time (out of 24 times)