
Wednesday, May 20

menyepi diri ....tiada teman berbicara

menyepi diri

salam untuk semua
aaaaah da lame menyepi diri.. ari ni tulis kembali.. aku menyepi diri kerana aku ikut jemaah masjid for the last 3 days.. mereka ajak aku keluar ikut jemaah tabligh untuk belajar kebesaran Allah dan belajar kepentingan sunnah muhammad saw.. bila aku ikut jamat tabligh ini aku dapat blaja untuk amalkan sunna dalam hidup aku... ape tu sunnah?.. ianye segala perbuatan rasul dari salat jemaah kat masjid.. care tido.. care berniaga dan semua aspek pekerjaan dan perbuatan hariannye.. susah ni nak buat tp aku akan cube buat...ni la saje bekalan aku bile aku mati kelak kerana kerete merc ni aku akan tinggalkan... begitu juga banglo aku kat putrajaya ni..semua aku akan tinggalkan.. yang aku bawe amalan dan iman aku...

Ape yang diplajari
anatara yang paling penting aku balajar ialah mentauhidkan Alllah .. yakni bagaimana untuk aku memasukan kebesaran Alllah dalam jiwa dan membuang kebesaran mahluk dari hati aku..(ni susah nak faham ni)...selain itu akau memplajari bahawa aku mesti ikut sunnah rasul muhammmad saw gar dia kenal aku mase kat telage kausar nanti..

pekare kedua uku blajar pasal salat.. bagaimana aku dapat melalsanakan salat yang khusuk dan khudu..selain itu aku di ajar ape maksud salat iaitu bagaimana aku dpat membawa perbuatan dalam salat keluar slat .. huiii susah tu maksudnye

sperti biase aku tangguh dulu catatan ni kerana aku nak gi toilet kerana ade nature call.. (haa tibe mase aku boleh amal sunnnah bagaimana rasul masuk tandas aku nak ikut dan tiru).. ooi tak tahan nye ..sabar la aku nak ingat ape yang aku da blajar pasal adap masuk toilet..

ps.. da lame tak tengok my malaun si ranhill ..ape la kabar dia agaknye

catatan 20mei09
oooi lega dapat teman dan guru macam ni

ari ni bile dapat nasihat macam ni .. bersemangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan ni.. antara pekare yang paling aku mesti ingat ..look and be silent then listen

.....ini janji aku Jim, whatever happen i will not quit this war..I will fight till the end to find my "HOLY GRAIL"
that is my promise to you.. and its real JANJI..

My Dear Friend Czar,
I firmly believe that you who have been reading me for at least two years have been given the ability not only to navigate these rough economic waters, but to prosper along the way as well.

You have been given the best resources I know, their strengths defined, with nothing withheld.

You have been taught basic technical analysis and warned not to assume you are a fledgling Livermore or Seligman.

You have been taught what cycles really are, which is far different from what people think they are.

You have been given tools generally used for navigation, woodworking and architecture and shown how to apply them to understand pricing.

You have been taught the Austrian and Chicago School economics to better understand the economic laws that will defeat all attempts to nullify and deny them.

You have been given all you need to connect the dots in order to put it all together in a package of guidance that I do not think can be equalled anywhere, at any price. This was all given to you for free.

You must do the work for yourself. Like Alf, I will not do the interim for you, yet it is all there screaming to be understood.

Every day the news is reviewed, the rumors are defrocked and light is brought into a dark world of media madness designed to keep you as sheeple rather than people.

This earns me derision from some and attacks from others on my person as well as my projects, but when it is all said and done you will see that I have put you and stockholder’s interests infinitely ahead of myself in this crossing of deadly economic currents.

Here are my questions to you:
Have you learned?

Do you feel an absolute conviction to the ways, means and answer?

If not, what are you missing?
Send your answers to me as I prepare to make a new video conference to address these details.

The reason I ask is that you have the keys to the kingdom if only you look, be silent and listen.
Respectfully yours,
( from the great gold guru.. who is friend of paul volcker and man who solve Hunt silver problem in 70's )