
Saturday, August 13

its true all men made mistakes only a Liar tell the truth

I wasn't always a good investor. Over the past 30 years I've made just about every mistake imaginable.

• Jumped in at the peak
• Jumped out too late
• Bought falling knives
• Doubled down on losers
• You name it, I probably did it.
kali ni mistake ialah  .....now the mistake is Jumped in at the peak

Minggu 33 dari 52dalam tahun 2011

U.S.A terbersin kita da selsema

Kerana teruknye hutang USA maka s/p da tak percaya lgi kekuatan kewangan nya.

Dek kerana ni maka usd teruk terbersin .. dan leleh airnya terkena kat kita.. klci jatuh teruk juga tp kejatuhan tak la teruk sangat... jatuh tetap jatuh tp peratusnya tak la setruk bursa lain termasuk SG

Pileh dulu kaedahnye nye

Ni la resiko menjadi mid term trader ….terpaksa menangung seksa batin yang begitu pedih takutnya .. maklumlah dimana jual beli aku mengikut cycle fasa momentum..

masa perjalan ni kekadang sampai berbulan..

bermulanye disini

Signal aku beli telah berbunyi 10minngu yang lalu .. Takut juga  sistem aku ni ….orang semua jual tp aku dok beli… tak pe lah…  maka kalao salah aku sendiri tanggong…

Emosi takut terus berterusan

Kecut telur dibuatnye.. index dunia jatuh..  

IP paten down dah jadi kat snp.. index ni aku cega bagai nak rak

Kalo iku kaedah aku ia akan jatuh 1170.. ya ia telah jatuh ke paras tu.. memnag benar snp da jatuh lebih bawah dari 1170 .. iaitu ke arah 1118 paras terndah

Lain lain index dunia juga merudum.. semua peramal mengatakn bear telah menguasai arena.. hanya aku sibebal ni duduk pegang lagi dan berkata bullish

Kepala gerabak nya …… klci
Walau apa yang telah menakutkan aku aku tetap hold on ..aku tengok dia nak naik ke arah PO(price objectif) 1650..... itu minima aje
namun terdapat amatt lemah,,, kerana internal stoch nya da lemah begitu jua macd

Namun uptrn line maseh up

Cutloss aku belum trigger lg kalo aku salah... sedang melihat benda ni minngu ni .. kalo aku salah hancur

Klci dari 1524 mata minggu lepas .. minggu ni jatuh pada paras 1483.. jatuh 59 mata dari  minggu sebelumnye ata…kalo dari paras tertingi 1595 dan da jatuh 112 mata

Namun apa pun…. uptrend klci maseh menaik and still intact

Namun Internal Stoch dah negatif dan ni petanda bergelora untuk klci ni dalam tempoh terdekat ni begitu jua macd da jd negatif…

Ni petunjuk arah nye dimana ia akan pergi ….. diusd/rm PO yang aku andai dia nak naik rm 2.85

Minngu kini hege rm 3.0065 dari rm3.014 

Ringgit malaysia dgn usd bertambah da lemah..

Long term uptrnd maseh up..hold on


PO aku rm6.90
maseh tetap menanti arah PO tu

Minggu ni herga  ke rm6.41 dari rm 6.4  pada minggu lepas

Internal macd dan stoch da negatif

Tren lin mase up

PO aku target rm 5.95
maseh tetap menanti

Minggu kini hege rm 5.31 darirm 5.39   

sime darby
PO aku ialah rm 10.2
maseh tetap menanti

minggu ini hg rm 8.82 dari rm9.05  

PO aku ialah rm rm2.65
maseh tetap menanti

kini hege rm 2.01 dari rm 2.13

PO aku belum dapat lihat lagi

maseh lagi mencega.. kerana ia belum lagi out of range
belum lagi membeli

kini hege rm 6.33 dari rm6.85

Tindakan ketika ni
Masa untuk aku mengawal emosi takut

Semua harga saham aku jatuh

sistem diguna pakai
sistem aku adalah adalah dibuat dalam kontek TA saje

Friday, August 12

gold... by jim sinclair

Dear CIGAs,

Now that we have reached $1752.20 gold, what should you do?

Stay firm in your disciplines. During this entire market chasing strength in gold has proven dangerous more often than not. Angels should be looked at for the mad trader as areas to lighten, not double up. You can win this game with a ruler, but you will have to stay up 24 hours a day. We have not had a blow off top in gold but there has been epic short covering in world markets. That type of action weakens short term markets. The best buys now are identified by a simple ruler with more complex firming internals.

The holder of the right position that shows the patience of Seligman and Livermore always take the greatest prize. Gold has made no meaningful top, but volatility has only one way to go and that is up. Our respected colleague Alf Fields would agree that traders better have karma on their side, but the gold market is nowhere near full valuation. Be careful traders but stand strong those of us who have hedged against the insolvable problems of the entire Western World.
Your successful protection is my reward greater than money, greater than matter. See you in the morning.

1. Those holding gold to hedge the systemic risks of the Western Financial world simply stay in your position.
2. Traders lighten up your positions as gold approaches the next two Angels.
3. No market fails to have reactions at some point.
4. Reactions in this market will be deep, but brief when they occur.
5. The undervaluation of good gold shares has passed manic.
6. Utilization of some of your gold profits into good gold shares is pure logic.

Tuesday, August 9

The Art of War

The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy in the world. It has had a huge influence on Eastern military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu recognized the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He taught that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through a to-do list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions. Planning works in a controlled environment, but in a competitive environment, competing plans collide, creating unexpected situations.

The Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' is one of the world's best books on strategy and competition. It was written in app. 500 B.C. and established itself as the leading treatise on confronting and defeating opponents through superior strategy.

For over twenty-five hundred years, it helped its readers find competitive advantage using the secrets of Sun Tzu. Its competitive methods work extremely well. 'The Art of War', the first of the military classic, offers a distinct philosophy on how to discover the path to success. This philosophy works in any competitive environment where people find themselves contesting with one another for a specific goal.

You can fight a war for a long time or you can make your nation strong. You can't do both. Doing the right things at the start of war is like approaching a woman. Your enemy's men must open the door. After that, you should act like a streaking rabbit. The enemy will be unable to catch you.

Warfare is one thing. It is a philosophy of deception.
When you are ready, you try to appear incapacitated.
When active, you pretend inactivity.
When you are close to the enemy, you appear distant.
When far away, pretend you are near.

If the enemy has a strong position, entice him away from it.
If the enemy is confused, be decisive.
If the enemy is solid, prepare against him.
If the enemy is strong, avoid him.
If the enemy is angry, frustrate him.
If the enemy is weaker, make him arrogant.
If the enemy is relaxed, make him work.
If the enemy is united, break him apart.

Attack him when he is unprepared. Leave when he least expects it.
Your will find a place where you can win.

Saturday, August 6

takut giler

Minggu 32 dari 52dalam tahun 2011

Memang terer la kelender kuda ni.. ianya tak pernah salah dalam menentukan tarikh pose dan raya.. aku bermula pose  isnin ni 2 ogos2011

Pileh dulu kaedahnye nye

aku adalah mid term trader ….dimana jual beli aku mengikut cycle fasa momentum..

masa perjalan ni kekadang sampai berbulan..

bagi yang terer bermain secara trading dimana jangka nya cukup sehari atau dalam masa tempoh trading margin maka blog ni tak sesuai untuk anda.. 1000 apology

bermulanye disini

Signal aku beli telah berbunyi 9minngu yang lalu .. Takut juga  sistem aku ni ….orang semua jual tp aku dok beli… tak pe lah…  maka kalao salah aku sendiri tanggong…

Emosi takut terus berterusan

Kecut telur dibuatnye.. index dunia jatuh.. dowjone  -500+ dan snp 60 mata minggu lepas

Nampaknye snp nak jatuh teruk lgi

IP paten down dah jadi kat snp.. index ni aku cega bagai nak rak

Kalo iku kaedah aku ia akan jatuh 1170.. ya ia telah jatuh ke paras tu

Lain lain index dunia juga merudum.. semua peramal mengatakn bear telah menguasai arena.. aku sibebal ni duduk pegang lagi

Kepala gerabak nya …… klci
Walau apa yang telah menakutkan aku aku tetap hold on ..aku tengok dia nak naik ke arah PO(price objectif) 1650..... itu minima aje
namun terdapat amatt lemah,,, kerana internal stoch nya da lemah begitu jua macd

Namun uptrn line maseh up

Cutloss aku belum trigger lg kalo aku salah

Klci dari 1548 mata minggu lepas .. minggu ni jatuh pada paras 1524.. jatuh 20 mata dari  minggu sebelumnye ata…kalo dari paras tertingi 1595 dan da jatuh 71 mata

Namun apa pun…. uptrend klci maseh menaik and still intact

Namun Internal Stoch dah negatif dan ni petanda bergelora untuk klci ni dalam tempoh terdekat ni begitu jua macd da jd negatif…

Ni petunjuk arah nye dimana ia akan pergi ….. diusd/rm
PO yang aku andai dia nak naik rm 2.85

Minngu kini hege rm3.014 dari rm 2.972 

Ringgit malaysia dgn usd bertambah da lemah..

Long term uptrnd maseh up..hold on


PO aku rm6.90
maseh tetap menanti arah PO tu

dia turun ke rm 6.4 dari rm6.49

Internal macd dan stoch da negatif

Tren lin mase up

PO aku target rm 5.95
maseh tetap menanti

kini hege rm 5.39 dari rm5.50  

sime darby
PO aku ialah rm 10.2
maseh tetap menanti

minggu ini hege9.05 dari  rm 9.15

PO aku ialah rm rm2.65
maseh tetap menanti

kini hege rm 2.13 dari rm2.16

PO aku belum dapat lihat lagi

maseh lagi mencega.. kerana ia belum lagi out of range
belum lagi membeli

kini hege rm6.85

Tindakan ketika ni
Masa untuk aku mengawal emosi takut

Yang kini emosi ku telah bergelora

Rasa menysal beli …..kekadang menyelinap kalbu kesesalan

Kalo aku banyak duit lagi maka aku beli pada paras ni.. sekadar mengumpul saham saham orang yang tak mau lagi untuk menyimpan

walau apa pun aku maseh teguh dengan TA aku ni.. TA ni ialh tafsiran aku
signal aku da berbunyi 10jun2011

sistem diguna pakai
sistem aku adalah adalah dibuat dalam kontek TA saje
dan TA adalah cara aku... tak ada akal itu korang punya hal la
aku cara aku.. dalam TA.. aku mentafsir bahasa market